WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports -27 News Troubleshooter: Woman says Dell computer kept her from taking online classes.
This has seriously got to be a joke. I can’t figure out any other explanation for it. I’m going to try and not get too upset about, because I’m almost 75% sure this is a joke, because there’s so much of this article that is either grossly exaggerated, or just downright untrue.
Let me show you some quotes (after you read the article up above — don’t worry it’s not long):
But something stopped her: Ubuntu.
That’s an operating system for your computer similar to Windows that runs off the Linux system.
I love it when a journalist can’t even get the first farking thing right. No, Ubuntu is not “similiar” to Windows. It doesn’t even try to be. And it doesn’t “run off the Linux system” — I don’t even know what that means. It is Linux.
She didn’t realize until the next morning her laptop defaulted to the Ubuntu operating system.
Once again, I don’t even know what this line is trying to say. A computer no more “defaults” to a certain operating system than a car “defaults” to a certain engine. If it has Ubuntu installed, it has it installed — there is no “defaulting” going on. It’s not like anyone’s being tricked into running Ubuntu, which is what I think the author here was implying.
Schubert says she never heard of Ubuntu before learning that’s when [sic] she accidentally bought.
And here’s my biggest problem with the story — there’s no way to “accidentally” buy a computer with Ubuntu on Dell.com. I challenge you to try. Go ahead — load up a new browser window and go to Dell.com and just try to even find a computer they sell with Ubuntu on it. (Doesn’t count if you search for the word “ubuntu” on the site — you’re not “stumbling” onto something you’re looking for intentionally. :P)
Let me save you the trouble — you won’t be able to. Dell did that on purpose, specifically to avoid this kind of thing happening (i.e., the novice computer user buying a computer with Ubuntu as its operating system, and then complaining when it’s unfamiliar to them). When you’re buying computers on the “normal” section of their site, Ubuntu isn’t even listed as an option (you usually have a choice of either Windows Vista crap edition, Windows Vista poop edition, or Windows XP, which for some reason usually costs $100 extra).
I really can’t critique the rest of the article because of this. Either this is a joke story , or someone else — conveniently not mentioned in the story — bought this computer and gave it to her, which isn’t either Ubuntu’s or Dell’s fault.
Just a few more points, though, because I honestly can’t resist:
Later, she discovered Ubuntu might look like Windows, but it doesn’t always act like it.
I love it when journalists don’t even try to make it look like they did any research.
Ubuntu doesn’t look anything like Microsoft Windows, other than the fact that they both exist on a computer screen. It doesn’t take more than a cursory glance to become aware of this. This is like saying your Ford Taurus “looks like a Ferrari, but sure doesn’t drive like one.” I mean, come on — they both have tires, right?
Her Verizon High-Speed Internet CD won’t load, so she can’t access the internet.
Oh boy — here’s another little tip, O novice computer users — those little CD’s you usually get upon buying high-speed access when you move into a new house or change internet providers or whatever? You don’t need them. Throw them away. Any modern high-speed internet network is completely system agnostic — it doesn’t care what it’s hooking up to. Just hook your modem up to your wall, and plug it into your computer. That’s it. Doesn’t matter if you’re running MacOS, Linux, or Windows.
Your high-speed service provider will tell you that you need to run a CD, but trust me, you don’t. This is proved later on in the article, when we’re told that “Verizon says it will dispatch a technician to try to assist her accessing the internet without using the Windows-only installation disk.” Well, that’s nice of them to make an entire trip out there to do something that’ll take all of, oh, five minutes.
She also can’t install Microsoft Word, which she says is a requirement for MATC’s online classes.
This is a much larger problem, and one that I really don’t have the time to get into here, but you don’t ever really need specific programs to do school work.
You don’t need Microsoft Word to do word processing.
You don’t need Microsoft Excel to do spreadsheet tasks.
You don’t need Adobe Acrobat to use and create PDF files.
And for the love of G-d, YOU DON’T need Internet Explorer to browse the web.
It’s a sad, sad phenomenom in our society that an entire generation of computer users has grown up thinking that the “Microsoft way” is the only way to do things. (And they’re definitely not doing anything to help that problem.)
Now, I’m not saying that there isn’t a time and a place for Microsoft products — Windows is a tool, and it’s a tool with a specific purpose, but just like you don’t need to buy one particular brand of hammer to build a house, you don’t always need Microsoft products to do things with a computer.
You can see this kind of thinking all throughout this article — Ubuntu “looks like Windows, but sure doesn’t ‘act’ like it. “ (As if anything that doesn’t act like Windows isn’t a “real” operating system.) Ubuntu just won’t let her install Microsoft Word! (As if this is the only way to get word processing done.)
Tsk tsk tsk, WKOW 27 News Station. Either this is a joke (and if it is, I’ve got to admit it’s actually pretty good), or you’re seriously, seriously uninformed when it comes to computers and the Internet.
(Yes, I used “uninformed” to be nice. A less polite person than me would’ve said “fucking retarded,” but I’m not going to go down that path.)